For Individuals For Providers

Company Builder of Hochschule Fresenius

Company Builder Pioneer Lab Hochschule Fresenius Gruppenfoto

Company Builder of Hochschule Fresenius

Since September, we have been part of the Company Builder of the Pioneer Lab at Fresenius University of Applied Sciences. For us, it is the first accelerator that supports us in our project.

Already since the beginning of this year, we have been part of the broad-based support Pioneer Coach of the Fresenius University of Applied Sciences and were able to acquire important basic knowledge in the areas of start-up, business model development and prototyping. The further development now takes place in the top promotion. Within 6 months, we will be accompanied by experts from the Fresenius University of Applied Sciences, receive mentoring and have the opportunity to further develop our concept through numerous workshops. We have already been able to take our way of working to a new level through insights into the OKR framework and a helpful pitch workshop.

We are excited to see what new insights are still waiting for us. We are looking forward to this opportunity and are highly motivated for the upcoming time.

For Individuals For Providers

Student2StartUp At FAU Erlangen-Nuremberg

Student2StartUp at FAU Erlangen-Nuremberg

Over the past 3 months, we have been able to further develop our corporate strategy together with Master’s students from FAU Erlangen-Nuremberg.

In this program, students as entrepreneurial student advisors work on a real question from the everyday business of a start-up within a seminar. You will receive support from mentors from the Knowledge Factory network.

The critical and scientific examination of our business model by our student team helped us to identify the strengths and weaknesses and to prepare the next steps on the way to a start-up. 

We thank you for the opportunity to participate in this great program and are going into the further development of mifysio with many new food for thought and ideas.